Investing made easy.

Portfolio Insight is the industry's most complete and affordable solution for personal investing.


Portfolio Management

Track unlimited accounts and positions for a complete picture of your stock investments.
Unlimited transaction history
Positions update automatically based on the latest market data
Key performance indicators
Daily and twelve month leaderboard
Innovative visual tools provide key insights about your stock investments.
Sector and income heatmaps
Dividend quadrant
Benchmark positions against stocks, indexes, and data sets
Portfolio charts breakdown the performance of each position
Automated pay schedule and forecasting eliminate the time consuming task of tracking your cash flow.
Automated pay calendar
Daily pay schedule
Automated forecasting based on announcements and payout history
Year-over-year income comparison

Next Generation Screening

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Gain insight with custom data sets and intelligent metrics to quickly find stocks that are a fit.

Search templates for diverse investing strategies
Filter on actionable metrics including fair value, trends, and rankings
Over 20 years of history sourced from S&P Global
Unlimited data download
Deep dive research, simplified
Whether you are a seasoned investor or just getting started, Portfolio Insight helps you invest with confidence.
Instantly tell if a stock is at fair value based on market performance
Dividend power tools
Dividend growth investors look to dividend yield to gauge a stock's value. Portfolio Insight's dividend tools make it easy to create your own value-based investing strategy using this proven approach.
Access unique valuation charts, trend analysis, and complete dividend histories
Gain clarity
Portfolio Insight's fundamentals tools quickly identify strengths and weaknesses without the need to decipher opaque financial statements.
Over twenty years of fundamental data, peer analysis, earnings, and analyst estimates

Power Charts

Get a complete picture with custom charting at a fraction the cost of other solutions.

The Latest News & Filings

News & Filings

Get the latest news from the major investment sites, updated every 30 minutes.
* Some news sources may require a subscription
One-click access to the latest SEC filings for each stock
News feeds tailored to your investments and watchlists

What the Experts Say

What the Experts Say

The idea of leveraging Portfolio Insight's powerful technology platform to create innovative visual tools was so appealing that I decided to join them!
I like using Portfolio Insight for fundamental stock research and my articles. The speed of the site, accurate data, and ability to visualize metrics makes it invaluable to me.
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